Membership Benefits

membership applicationIn today's business environment, you need to be as competitive as possible. You cannot afford to miss information that your competition has or miss potential opportunities to better your business.

That's where the Association comes in. We have a wealth of knowledge for all things construction in the Algoma District.  With the information you gain through membership, your organization instantly becomes better equipped to compete.

Your membership fees are an investment in the future of your business and its ability to succeed in this industry, no different than your time, your energy, your talent or dollars in capital equipment. And your return on that investment, is the success your Association has both at solving individual day to day problems, and improving the overall environment in which you earn your living, through its power as a group of members with a common bond.
The Sault Ste. Marie Construction Association is recognized as the Industry's area spokesman by Government, Architectural, and Engineering Professions, Labour, Construction Purchasers, and the General Public and we use that collective voice daily to advocate for every Member engaged in this industry.
You can click on the link above for an Application of Membership form. Here are some of the more tangible services and benefits of SSMCA membership.

Electronic Plansroom Subscription

As a Member through Construct Connect Project Intelligence (CCPI) you will be able to view all project information, drawings and specifications for projects hosted by SSMCA as well as in the Algoma district. This subscription is included in your yearly membership fees. Project information is also available for every other area of the Province at an extra cost. You may purchase complete Electronic access to any district in Ontario, allowing you to view and  download  drawings and specifications for any project listing from your office. 

Plans Room/Plans Copying

The opportunity to examine plans and specs for projects hosted by SSMCA in quiet, comfortable well lit facilities -- If possible,we'll obtain documents on request for jobs out of town and we offer full size copying of all prints at an extra cost.

Plan List

A complete list of the latest available project information for tenders in the region is compiled and published in the Association  as well as distributed electronically to all members.

Ronald M. Elliott Meeting Room

A Meeting room for up to 15 people that is equipped with Internet access, laptop computer, and a 75" flat screen monitor. The meeting room is available free to members  for a non-revenue generating purpose. The room may also be rented by members for other purposes. Call for availability, pricing and reservations.

Commissioner of Oaths Service

Applies to any affidavits required in the Construction Industry - This service alone can save many members hundreds of dollars per year in legal fees.

Construction Industry Standard Documents

CCDC and CCA documents are available for purchasing at the Association office.

Annual Publication of Buyers Guide and Directory of Construction

Staff distributes hundreds of copies to the Design Industry, Municipalities, Utilities, School Boards, and other major purchasers of construction services. It's also the industry "Phone Book".

Up to Date Advice, Counselling and Referral

On all types of personnel and labour/management issues, union and non-union, including Employment Standards, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, Occupational Health and Safety and more.

Regarding tender call disputes and problems, construction contract claims and disputes and Construction Lien information.

Your Association has direct personal involvement in C.O.C.A. (Council of Ontario Construction Association) activity and it is the powerful legislative lobbying voice of the largest industry in the Province - CONSTRUCTION!

To serve our members, the Association offers these at no charge.

Conduct Timely Educational Seminars

Working at Heights Training, First Aid, CPR/AED, Chainsaw Operation and Maintenance, Book 7 Traffic Control Training, 0-8 Tonne Mobile Crane, Propane in Construction, WHMIS, Basics of Supervising, Health and Safety Orientation, and more.

To serve our members, the Association offers these  at the lowest price possible, including some at no charge. 

The Sault Ste. Marie Construction Association brings general contractors, trade contractors, manufacturers and suppliers of construction materials and equipment, as well as other firms associated with the Construction Industry together in a single organization.